has developed a platform to enable the production of physics-based synthetic datasets for enterprise AI training and validation.
Bellevue, WA, USA
Founded in

Company Overview

Synthetic Data is simulation-based engineered data that can help address the current challenges in AI by expanding and supplementing existing datasets that have gaps and issues. Rendered has built a developer framework that provides a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to support data scientists, engineers, and business innovators who want to embrace synthetic data to investigate, validate, and expand AI-based technology and business opportunities.

Thesis Fit

Rendered provides powerful tools to analyze and interpret optical imagery. Utilizing actual satellite data for training purposes is expensive, cost prohibitive, and logistically complex. Synthetic data enables new applications through unprecedented AI training capabilities at a much lower cost. The company is an enabling platform in our GEOINT strategy, where we see the tech stack unbundling and AI/ML tools help drive wide-scale adoption.