Gradial is developing a generative AI platform that enables enterprises to securely integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) with their own proprietary data. However, Gradial pivoted from engineering to focus on empowering sales and marketing teams to deliver reimagined customer experiences and drive personalization at scale.
Seattle, WA, USA
Founded in

Company Overview

The recent emergence of Large Language Models (LLM) has shown promising developments in building tools that can turn unstructured data into useful information that can be leveraged to automate many aspects of business operations. While public LLMs have shown promise in turning unstructured data into useful information, they are not secured or tailored to specific business contexts. Gradial aims to bridge this gap by providing a self-managed cloud infrastructure and security to automate LLM integration for enterprises, with industry-agnostic capabilities that can be tailored to specific industries.

Thesis Fit

Gradial belongs to the category of enterprise software applications to transform the process of engineering. Their early GTM includes space, aerospace, geospatial, and other related industries and we see strong synergies between their technology and the needs of their prospective customers’ engineering teams. With their focus on helping governments and enterprises securely integrate LLMs with their own data, Gradial’s platform can accelerate the data processing time and extract valuable insights faster. For space companies operating in the GEOINT industry, Gradial can help them increase satellite data processing speed and accuracy, for space design and manufacturing firms, Gradial can help improve the internal operations efficiency and communications efficacy.