GHGSat is developing a suite of products and custom analytics based on unique emissions measurements from its own satellite constellation and aircraft sensors, at a fraction of the cost of existing alternatives. The company’s measurements are collected using short-wave infrared light (SWIR) wavelengths compared to standard imagery’s visible light.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Founded in

Company Overview

GHGSat provides global emissions monitoring services, currently for greenhouse gasses and ultimately for a range of air quality and other trace gasses from anthropogenic and natural sources. Monitoring services are delivered using a patented, proprietary multi-platform system for collecting emissions data, and unique algorithms ingesting both GHGSat and third-party data to generate valuable operational, environmental, health & safety, and regulatory insights.

Thesis Fit

GHGSat provides highly specialized greenhouse gas measurements leveraging proprietary sensors through satellites and aircraft-based monitoring. The energy and mining industries have been slow to adopt costly monitoring solutions to track and respond to their pollution footprint. GHGsat is an excellent example of highly specialized Infrastructure that has emerged as the GEOINT tech stack unbundles and gaps in existing sensors and data become apparent.